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규소메이커 CAS 레지스트리 번호7440-21-3공급업체 | LookChem


기본 정보 Edit
  • 표준명:규소
  • CAS 레지스트리 번호:7440-21-3
  • 분자식:Si
  • 분자 무게:32.1173
  • HS 코드:3822 00 00
  • Mol 파일:7440-21-3.mol


관련 CAS 번호: 70000-22-5 70000-39-4 70001-26-2 70001-45-5 70001-47-7 700-02-7 7000-29-5 7000-30-8 70003-50-8 7000-48-8

표준명의 마케팅 및 가격
제조업체 및 유통업체:
  • 제조/브랜드
  • 화학물질 및 원자재
  • 포장
  • 가격
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon sheet, 10x10mm, thickness 0.5mm, single crystal, -100, 100%
  • 2ea
  • $ 326.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon sheet, 10x10mm, thickness 0.6mm, single crystal, -100, 100%
  • 2ea
  • $ 326.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon powder, 45 max. part. size (micron), weight 50 g, purity 99.5%
  • 1ea
  • $ 379.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon lump, 25 mm max. lump size, weight 50 g, purity 99.99%
  • 1ea
  • $ 379.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon powder, max. particle size 150 micron, weight 500 g, purity 97.5%
  • 1ea
  • $ 356.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon rod, 40mm, diameter 20mm, single crystal, -100, 99.999%
  • 1ea
  • $ 497.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon lump, 25 mm max. lump size, weight 200 g, purity 99.95%
  • 1ea
  • $ 495.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon sphere, 20pcs, diameter 2.0mm, precision sphere grade 25
  • 1ea
  • $ 495.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon disks, 15.9mm, thickness 0.38mm, single crystal, n-type, 100%
  • 1ea
  • $ 489.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Silicon disks, 15.9mm, thickness 0.38mm, single crystal, n-type, 100%
  • 1ea
  • $ 489.00
총 24 개 원재료 공급업체
표준명의 화학적 성질 Edit
물리적 데이터:
  • 픽토그램: FlammableF,ToxicT
  • 위험 코드: F,T
  • 진술: 11
  • 안전 선언문: S16-S33-S7/9
  • 소개 및 적용: Silicon is an incredibly versatile element with a wide range of practical uses, largely due to its tetravalent pyramid crystalline structure. It is commonly used in the computer and electronics industries, where crystals of silicon contaminated with impurities such as arsenic or boron are utilized as semiconductors. This application led to the invention of transistors in 1947, which have since replaced vacuum tubes in various electronic devices, resulting in smaller and less heat-producing equipment. Silicon is also used in the production of solar cells for electricity provision in light-activated calculators and satellites, and when mixed with sodium carbonate and calcium carbonate, it forms glass upon cooling. Different types of glass, such as the heat-resistant Pyrex and eyewear-specific glass, are created by adding various elements to the silica, soda ash, and limestone mixture. Silicon's alloying capabilities with metals like iron, steel, copper, aluminum, and bronze are noteworthy, with its mixture with steel creating excellent springs for various uses, including automobiles. When silicon is combined with certain organic compounds, it forms long molecular chains known as silicone polymers, which can be altered to produce a variety of substances with different physical properties. Silicones come in liquid, semisolid, and solid forms and have numerous commercial and industrial uses, including surgical implants, toys, lubricants, coatings, and electrical insulation. In the cosmetic industry, silicone is used to increase the water evaporation protection in face creams and provides improved softness, gloss, and feel in water-based skin care products. It has been utilized in cosmetics for over 30 years and is known for being a water-repelling mineral that is not irritating to the skin. Silicon is predominantly used in its electronic-grade, high-purity, single crystalline form in applications like microfluidic systems, taking advantage of the microelectronics IC industry's mature processing technology. However, its polar crystal nature can lead to undesirable adsorption of molecules in microfluidic systems, and its higher cost compared to other substrate materials makes it less attractive unless on-chip electronic circuit integration is required. Elemental silicon is crucial in the electronic age, with major applications in computer chips and as a key semiconductor material in transistors, power rectifiers, diodes, and solar cells. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust and is extracted from silicates or sand. It is used in various applications, including glass production, concrete, brick, and high-temperature work as a refractory material. Silicon is also essential in agriculture, as some plants require it in addition to other nutrients. It is particularly beneficial for crops like rice, cucumber, gherkin, and barley, improving growth, resistance to pests, and photosynthesis. Silicon fertilizers are used to address silica deficiency in soils, with the appropriate amount depending on the available silica to organic matter ratio. In summary, silicon's unique properties and versatility make it an invaluable element in numerous industries, from electronics and solar energy to glass production and agriculture. Its various forms and applications continue to contribute significantly to modern life and technological advancements.
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